Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Pirate Challenge 5. Build a Seussical Tower: by @Davis_Academy ATLANTA USA #mlap14


Thank you! 
for creating this - SWASHBUCKLING SEUSSICAL - Pirate Challenge! 

 Ok Ye Land Lubbers. 
It be a one of me friends Birthday this Month,
so I am a-challenging you to Seussical endeavor.
Now me friend has the crazy striped hat
the he wore on the top of his head,
and the hat was almost as tall as one of you.
I wonders which of Ye can make the tallest tower like me friend’s hat.

How tall can you build a tower?
Using Oreos (or a similar biscuit /cookie), large marshmallows, and one stacking item of each
 teacher’s choosing who can make
1.       The tallest tower
2.       The tower with the most items
*no gule, icing, or any other substance can be used to help keep the tower connected

After you complete the challenge, please answer these questions
1.       What item was easiest to stack? Why?
2.       What do you think would be best to use if you did this again?
3.       Where is the math in the Pirate Challenge?

Lastly, enjoy this 10 Apples Up On Top Youtube 




Hawera, New Zealand

First Attempt


Intermediate Blenheim, New Zealand

Stepped up to this challenge
Stepped out with improvements!

First Attempt

@ledelmanLee Class at Davis Academy Atlanta, USA

First Attempt

    @JulieWeiser's Class at Davis Academy Atlanta, USA

First Attempt

 Mrs Mayo's  class at Davis AcademyAtlanta, USA
First Attempt

@MathsPirates Koraunui School, Wellington, New Zealand
 First Attempt

Second Attempt


Third Attempt

@knuicurious Koraunui School, Wellington, New Zealand
 First Attempt    


What item was easiest to stack? Why?

Mrs Mayo's
1. Ari added that the oreos are heavier than the crackers, so they are more stable and stack better!
2. Brady," the oreos were easier to stack becsuse even though they had bumpy parts they weren't as bumpy as the crackers

1. most thought Oreos were easiest to build & also allowed us to build the tallest tower

* Lego becasue of its shape - Devin
* Oreos stack easier than lego - Ihaia
* Marshmallos because i like them the most - Rangimarie
* Lego easiest to stack  as it can restack - Leah

  What do you think would be best to use if you did this again?
1. Ethan-let's try stacking waffles next time! George- we should try rice crispie treats! Brady- pizza slices!

1. If it's a flatter object that doesn't need a base, it stacks higher"- Henry

* Lego - Leah
* Oreos - Ihaia
* Marshmallows because we like them the most. Devin & Rangimarie

  Where is the math in the Pirate Challenge?
1. Making predictions

1. Reflecting on Math & Science: counting, analyzing shapes & gravity
2. Make predictions for our Math Pirate challenge

* Measurement. finding the hight of the tower
* Counting in 2's and 5's
*Balancing the marshmallows on blocks on oreos


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