We are curious students navigating the great ocean of mathematics. At every port we collaborate, create, change, apply and explore our number knowledge and strategies.
Our question is: How can we do this as pirates?
Our teachers question is: How can classroom Maths Pirates be creators of knowledge?
that can hold the weight of raw eggs? How many raw eggs can your bridge hold?
1. Build a bridge out of newspaper
2. You may use cellotape and news paper.
3. Build a bridge between two chairs 4. How many pirate feet long is your bridge?
5. You have 25 bandit minutes!
The Thinking: After the challenge we think, share & tweet about three questions:
1. What did you find the hardest thing about the challenge? 2. What would you do differently next time? 3. Who's design ideas influenced or inspired your ideas? 4. Where is the math in the Pirate Challenge? click here to answer these questions on a Google Form AIM: 1. To improve our ideas for the next time we do the challenge. 2. To be explicit about who inspires and influences us when we create 3. Engage with Play, Passion, Purpose!
2014 Keep scrolling down past the images for evidence of thinking. Some times the thinking shifts and changes! @ibpossum Y9 Dunedin New Zealand First Attempt Continuing on Monday, so watch this space!
@dsmithnz75 Taupaki School, Auckland, New Zealand First Attempt
@Rm1Koraunui Years 3,4,5 Koraunui School, Stokes Valley, Wellington, New Zealand First Attempt
2nd Attempt (OOOPS! need to dip into the archives!)
3rd Attempt
@ReidHns1 Year 5 and 6 Henderson, Auckland, New Zealand First Attempt
@MathsPirates Year: 1/2/3 Koraunui School, Wellington, New Zealand Fifth Attempt Thank you to @MsEsClass CANADA for inspiring us with ideas to see if we could improve your bridge designs! Thank you @room9_BIS NZ for tweeting us images of the Auckland Harbour Bridge when we were doing the challenge!
Fourth Attempt
Third Attempt
First Attempt
Second Attempt
@knuicurious Year:4,5,6 Koraunui School, Wellington, New Zealand
1. What did you find the hardest thing about the challenge?
@MathsPirates First Attempt a) Using the cello-tape. Getting it off the roll was hard b) working with a partner a) Cellotape still hard to take off the roll b) Putting the eggs on as they nearly fell off c) Putting the flag on 3rd Attempt a) make more rolls of newspaper to put on the sides b) make sure the edges of the bridge are higher 4th Attempt a) agreeing with each others ideas b) not finishing our bridge @MsEsClass 1st Attempt a) rolling up the paper b) putting tape on the stand @knuicurious a)The bridge had to be strong to hold the eggs Taylor b) Losing a person part way through the challenge made it hard. Maddy Sam Seth c) Putting the eggs on was the hardest part because I thought they were going to fall off d) It was hard to build the bridge to our plan Miyah and Seth @room9_BIS a) How to make the bridge sturdy, using the tape to hold everything together, co-operating, keeping the bridge up! b) sorting out the paper, not letting the cellotape fold, running out of tape!, choosing the bridge! c) Our teacher thinks the hardest part of the challenge was the sun!
2. What would you do differently next time? @MathsPirates 1st Attempt a) Use bigger chairs and more newspaper - Ihaia b) have more time and buy more eggs! - Leah c) Try making a bridge using triangles like @knuicurious - Devin d) I would like to try making a bridge like @room9_BIS one - Devin e) Have 30 eggs for the challenge! 2nd Attempt a) Make the bridge Skinny b) Build the bridge taller c) Build a tower on the bridge d) Maybe how many marshmallows can fir on the tower e) decorating the bridge f) next time measure with toothbrushes g) Next time measure how many marshmallows long the bridge is 3rd Attempt a) work on my own b) put a triangle on the top in the middle c) put more rolls of newspaper on the sides 4th Attempt a) work with some one else b) try and agree with other persons ideas c) @MsEsClass 1st Attempt a) I will make it stronger. G b) I will put more stands under my bridge. O @knuicurious a) I would put the tightest rolls of paper at the bottom to hold it up. Andrew b) I would roll the newspapers up tighter to make the structure stronger Dean c) I would make the bridge stronger on the base and make sides to stop the eggs rolling off Keiva
a) Add rails, better sides, cushions for the eggs, more support!
b) Make the legs strong, add sharks, Make it longer so the eggs aren't cramped, longer, stronger, 3. Who's design ideas influenced or inspired your ideas? @MathsPirates 3rd Attempt a) "ideas for design came from @MsEsClass" - Devin & Leah 4th Attempt a) "ideas for the design came from Devin and Leah" - Rangimarie & Viena b) "Ideas for the design came from Devin & Leah - Ihaia
4. Where is the math in the Pirate Challenge?
@MathsPirates 1st Attempt a) counting the eggs on the bridge a) How many eggs on the bridge b) How long the bridge is = measurement c) Needing to use a ruler 3rd attempt a) Fractions b) Starting with a piece of newspaper folded in half c) making the bridge into a cube shape d) numbers - how many eggs 3) measurement - short - long 4th Attempt a) measurement b) working with fractions c) How many eggs are there? d) How long is the bridge? @MsEsClass 1st Attempt @knuicurious a) We used rectangles for the base of the bridge Dean b) We used triangles for strength Seth c) Measuring the newspaper to fit the gap Madison d) We measured the tape Jemima e) We measured how far the chairs had to be apart Jason
@room9_BIS a) What maths did we use? Problem solving, strategies, length and weight, measurement, area of the bridge, counting the eggs.